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Khalid Zahid

When you look at a piece of art it takes you far far away within it. It lets you dream of its content and far beyond. Floating between clouds and reality you enter a realm of ecstasy where !owers are brighter and clouds rain bunnies. Art is a blend of cultures and your own personal life. The elements that are added in each line you draw, each corner within a frame has a story behind it.

My art is a combination of old and new. It’s a blend of East and West clashed into one piece that has no boundaries other than the frame it’s in. Its an artwork within a frame that blends insanity with reality, toping it all off with a slight touch of calligraphy which shows the beauty of the art in the letters within it.

In my work, I try to instill a rebelliousness that screams out different when you see it. I love art for a few reasons: it gives me peace of mind, soothes my soul, and lets me dream and go beyond reality. I want people to feel my peaceful yet insane world $lled with dreams, reality, and madness.


  • 2012 Riydah (Lam gallery)

  • 2012 Kuwait POD

  • 2012 Khobar loud art exhibition (Desert Designs gallery)

  • 2011 Riydah pop art exhibition (Lam gallery)

  • 2010 Jeddah young Saudi artists exhibition (Ather Gallery)

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